The First Cosmonauts:

Simran Paintal
An electronics engineer, Simran discovered her true calling while raising her two children. Being a voracious reader, she passed on her love for books to them. She continued to expand this circle of shared learning, critical thinking, awareness and growth by engaging children at libraries and gently ushering them into the magical world of reading and inquiry!
Along the path of sharing her passion for over fifteen years, Simran started ‘Springboard Learning’. An initiative under whose banner, various programmes like WordCamp, Enchanted Hour, Rhetorica, Tinkernet, etc were developed with a view towards engaging young children, teenagers and event adults.

Inderjit Singh Paintal
A successful businessman, author, radio show host and leadership coach whose passion is to help people reach their potential through positive coaching and interventions.
Inderjit has been scripting documentaries and doing voice-overs for national television and private channels for over 15 years. He has written columns and middles for The Times of India and contributed to one of their coffee table books. In his critically acclaimed book short stories, ‘Pilgrims of Sorrow’, he explores the trials and tribulations of humanity.
He has a rich academic background and has enriched lives and helped multiple people through his radio programmes in India and Canada as well as his popular writing programme whereby, many have gotten over blocks in their lives, found catharsis and healing. Over the years, ‘Writing for the Soul With Inderjit’ has empowered many participants and marked a great beginning of their journey into self-discovery and joyful living.
Our Vision

A greenhouse for creativity, uninhibited self-expression and a place for curious minds to congregate and spread the joy of curiosity. We hope to provide The Space to create, The Space to discover, The Space to express, The Space for discourse through our enrichment hub and wellness studio. From the ability to share ideas to finding solitude, we aim to be the place that gives us the space to connect with ourselves as well as others.